First Milestone

Hello! I have decided to keep a Dev Log of this project. Right now it is titled Endless Edifice, which, even if appropriate to my current outlook, I might change.

Everything is taking me too long. I stare at the screen, change minutia, get distracted by "research" and then come back to add another sentence. It feels like I am making no progress.

I have completed Milestone 1, which is a twine text interactive prototype and a script, and also an outline. It all feels very rough. While it does help to have something in front of me to work with, I still don't know what I am doing. I also dislike large sections of my outline. And my main character. In my attempts to make her "active" instead of "passive" she has become kind of horrible. Because this is not a happy story.

So, anywho, I like working with twine. My first couple attempts at it had me scratching my head as to its popularity, but now I find it invaluable. It is a great way (for me) to organize my random thoughts into some kind of structure and see how they relate. Scrivener has also helped with this, but the organization of my scrivener file is kind of getting away from me. Since I am on a PC I am using an older version, I haven't checked to see if they have released a newer version. I also need to get a license before my 30 days expires. Maybe there is a newer version for PC when I do? Is this an ongoing problem with Scrivener?